Derrick Butts

A 2nd generation prostate cancer survivor and advocate on proactive prostate cancer health.
- President and co-founder of the Prostate Cancer Awareness Alliance-DMV (PCAA-DMV) – a non-profit focused on helping men to – Get a GRIP on Prostate Cancer – through educational and informational interactive sessions highlighting prostate cancer treatment centers and cancer support services within the DMV. And through shared survivor stories.
- Co-author on family prostate cancer book – “Prostate Cancer – a Family Affair”
- Career spans over three decades in information technology as a Cybersecurity Officer/Enterprise Solutions Architect.
- Master martial arts instructor/practitioner for more than 49 years in seven styles. Currently teaching - Tang Soo Do, Tai Chi, and self-defense – Silver Spring, MD.
- Avid cyclist – averaging 50mi plus/week
- A father, son, and husband
- 5-year proactive prostate cancer survivor – April 19th – second birthday on life.
To find out more about PCAA-DMV and Derrick A. Butts – https://pcaadmv.org