From the Editor
To be listened to and acknowledged are two basic human needs—they help us feel connected and valued. Healthcare providers are tasked with listening and acknowledging each person they encounter, so they can help patients have a positive experience.
Why don’t promising innovations always change healthcare behaviours?
Epi Kanjo, Catherine Krejany, Ann Dadich, Moyez Jiwa
This editorial examines why promising innovations do not always influence healthcare behaviours. The authors suggest that motivation, ability and trigger are important considerations when creating effective tools for behaviour change.
The Virtual Shelf: A pilot study on self-selected imagery displays and the in-patient experience in a cancer treatment setting
John Christopher Haddox, Shan Jiang
Healthcare design is shifting to have more deliberate emphasis on patient experience. This study explored whether the 'virtual shelf', a display of self-selected imagery, could enhance cancer patients’ experience while hospitalized.
Yoga is touted as an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety during pregnancy, but this systematic review suggests there is no strong evidence to support that assertion.
Case Study
Quality Time: Using experience-based co-design to capture emergency department staff experience
Melanie Gager, Liza Keating, David Mossop, Matthew Wiltshire
Researchers used experience-based co-design to capture emergency department staff experience. The outcomes were service improvement, increased staff engagement, and staff feeling heard and valued.